Bill Georgoussis was born in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia, to Greek parents, and studied photography and film-making in Australia (R.M.I.T.). Since 1985 he has been working in the U.K. and in Greece as a fashion and advertising photographer, living permanently in London. He has cooperated with numerous magazines and international fashion houses. Georgoussis is the art director of fashion designer Sophia Kokosalaki’s shows. His photographs convey a sense of film narration, resembling more film stills than photographs. His use of colour and lighting avoid any exaggeration. Georgoussis steers clear from fashion stereotypes, still managing, however, to remain contemporary on the level of style and content.
Black and White Portraits by Bill Georgoussis
Bill Georgoussis was born in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia, to Greek parents, and studied photography and film-making in Australia (R.M.I.T.). Since 1985 he has been working in the U.K. and in Greece as a fashion and advertising photographer, living permanently in London. He has cooperated with numerous magazines and international fashion houses. Georgoussis is the art director of fashion designer Sophia Kokosalaki’s shows. His photographs convey a sense of film narration, resembling more film stills than photographs. His use of colour and lighting avoid any exaggeration. Georgoussis steers clear from fashion stereotypes, still managing, however, to remain contemporary on the level of style and content.